viennean hour ago
You seem to define 'nice' as non-controversial. They're not the same thing. It would not be 'nice' to let those purveying ignorance on important issues to remain ignorant?
Where would you get such an idea? If you read my original comment without the obvious filters you have on, you'll see that all I'm asking of you is to relay the information you wish to relay and do so without calling names such as " uninformed and Morinc". Just because you believe you may feel you are more informed on a matter doesn't mean you get to speak condescendingly to those who aren't as informed as you think they should be. I don't see were all this hostility is coming from?
Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees in boldy explicit terms; if you were there to hear it first hand would you have been offended, or would you have recognized the truthfulness of what he said?
Really....are you comparing your words on this forum to the message Jesus? He was the Son of GOD and anything he said, he said with authority and he said it in person. You are a mere mortal as are the rest of us, and you have no more authority than anyone else on this forum. Unlike Jesus, your harsh words are coming from the safety of anonymity.
Once again, you are free to do as you please but I'm asking you to simply say what you have to say but leave out the name calling. I don't know how to be more clear.